Q: Only OPs can use the InfoHeads

A: This is usually a spawn-protection issue. Try changing spawn-protection to 0 in server.properties. Otherwise check they have the correct permissions.

Q: It still says there's an update available after updating

A: Unfortunately, spigot takes a few hours before it updates the versioning string. Therefore, for a few hours you'll get notifications saying you need to update when there is no update available. Just ignore this until spigot updates :)

Q: There are errors in console

A: Check you have dependencies installed and are on the correct version. This plugin has only been tested on spigot 1.8 -> 1.15. Please note: I do not test every version on every small bug update so if something goes wrong let me know. Still not gone? Message the author. Details are on plugin homepage.

Q: I've found a bug, what do I do?

A: Open a GitHub Issue request and I'll attend to it as quickly as possible. Found a solution? Submit a pull request. Alternatively, visit the discord

Q: All my heads are steve!

A: They sometimes take a while to load on legacy versions of minecraft. Try throwing them away and picking them back up. Next time the command is entered it shouldn't occur (Provided the server hasn't been restarted).

Last updated

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